Wide-Area Coverage
Pennsylvania Wide-area coverage map
This is a general prediction of coverage. These maps are not a guarantee of coverage and may contain areas of no service. For a coverage test in your area contact our office.
MotoTRBO Connect Plus is a digital trunked two-way radio solution that gives you the benefits of digital technology.
Multiple tower sites are linked together to form a large wide area digital radio network. This will allow users to maintain radio contact with each other over a large geographic area. Your communications can be user selectable for "one to one" or "one to many" over the entire digital network.
Other features that improve your communication efficiency:
Multiple tower sites are linked together to form a large wide area digital radio network. This will allow users to maintain radio contact with each other over a large geographic area. Your communications can be user selectable for "one to one" or "one to many" over the entire digital network.
Other features that improve your communication efficiency:
- GPS Locating
- Increased Coverage
- Group Call
- Secure Communications
- Improved Audio
- Text Messaging
- Private Call
- Rugged and Reliable Equiment
Unsure if Wide-area coverage is what your business needs? Check out these other options.